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Aardvark Communications: 21 Ways A Web Site Can Help

A website is your company's front door to the wired world. Through that door you can greet potential customers with something as simple as your business hours or you can make your entire product catalogue available to them. It's up to you. We customize every site for you & your organization.

To help in the decision process we have come up with the following list to show you how the WWW can help your business. Not all the following points may be applicable to your company but even if one or two are, then the WWW could be a benefit to you.

  1. The Customer Will Look For You
    The single greatest advantage to having a web page on the net, is the fact that people will actively seek you out. A web page is not "in-your-face" advertising like TV commercials or newspaper ads. A web page is there for people who are actively looking for you, and if you are not there, they will not be able to find you.

  2. Establish A Presence
    As of October 1995, approximately 11% of North Americans had access to the 'net' (WWW). At the same time one year later (October 1996), that figure grew to 20%. That is almost double! The trend continues to grow. To reach this market and show that you are interested in serving them, you need to be on the WWW for them. You know your competitors will. Click for more Stats.

  3. Networking
    A lot of what passes for business is nothing more than making connections with other people. How about having visitors to your site sign a "Guest Book". You can add them to your mailing list or follow up with a phone call. You can also try checking out a potential customer's site and suggest they check out your site, by emailing them and saying "this is what I do and if you are ever in need of my services, this is how you can reach me" All this for 24 hours a day, inexpensively and simply, on the WWW.

  4. To Make Basic Business Info Available
    What are your hours? Where are you located? What type of payment do you take? If you ask whoever answers the phone in your organization you will find they get these types of calls every day. These are all basic business information requests that can be posted on your website & free up valuable staff time.

  5. Serving Your Customers
    Have you ever had a customer call and say "I didn't get any instructions, please fax them to me." or "I lost my owner's manual, please mail me another one." Well now you can easily direct that customer to your Web Site and avoid these types of requests eating up your time. You can have drawings, instructions and pictures that are requested often posted on the 'net' and let your customer download them at their leisure.

  6. Heighten Public Interest
    Next time you go to the printers how about having your website address printed right there beside your postal address or phone number. You never know where your business card, sales brochures, and other printed material may end up. By publishing your website address, anybody anywhere who can access the Web and hears about you is a potential visitor to your Web Site and a potential customer for your organization.

  7. Release Time Sensitive Materials
    What if your materials need to be released no earlier than midnight? The quarterly earnings statement, the grand prize winner, the press kit for the much anticipated film, the merger news? Well, you sent out the materials to the press with the "Do-not-release-before-this-date" statement and hope for the best. Now the information can be made available at midnight or any time you specify, with all related materials such as photographs, bios, etc. released at exactly the same time. Imagine the anticipation of "All materials will be made available on our Web site at 12:01 AM".

  8. To Sell Things
    Many people think that this is the number 1 thing to do with the World Wide Web, but we made it number eight to make it clear that we think you should consider selling things on the Internet and the World Wide Web after you have done all the things above and maybe even after doing quite a few more things from this list. Why? The answer is complex but the best way to put it is, do you consider the telephone the best place to sell things? Probably not. You probably consider the telephone as a tool that allows you to communicate with your customers, which in turn helps you sell things. That's how we think you should consider the WWW. The technology is different, of course, but before people decide to become customers, they want to know about you, what you do and what you can do for them. You can do this easily & inexpensively on the WWW.

  9. Make Pictures, Sound and Film Files Available
    What if your widget is great, but people would really love it if they could see it in action? The album is great but with no airplay, nobody knows that it sounds great? The WWW allows you to add sound, pictures and short movie files to your company's info if that will serve your potential customers. No brochure will do that.
    Sound Bite Sample?

  10. Reach a Highly Desirable Demographic Market
    The demographic of the WWW user is probably the highest mass-market demographic available. Usually college-educated or being college educated, making a high salary or soon to make a high salary, it's no wonder that Wired magazine, the magazine of choice to the Internet community, has no problem getting Lexus and other high-end marketer's advertising. Even with the addition of the commercial on-line community, the demographic will remain high for many years to come.

  11. Answer Frequently Asked Questions
    Whoever answers the phones in your organization can tell you, alot of their time is spent answering the same questions over and over again. These are the questions customers and potential customers want to know the answer to before they deal with you. Post them on a WWW page and you will have removed another barrier of doing business with you and free up some time for some of your staff.

  12. Stay In Contact With Sales & Support Staff
    Your employees on the road or in another location may need up-to-the-minute information that will help them make the sale or pull together the deal oe help a crucial customer. If you know what that information is, such as technical manuals, schedules and product specs, you can keep it posted in complete privacy on the WWW. A quick local phone call can keep your staff supplied with the most detailed information, without long distance phone bills and tying up the staff at the home office.

  13. Open International Markets
    You may not be able to make sense of the mail, phone and regulation systems in all your potential international markets, but with a Web Page, you can open up a dialogue with international markets as easily as with the company across the street. We offer translations to and from other languages such as French, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. Another added benefit; if your company has offices overseas, they can access the home offices information for the price of a local phone call.

  14. Create a 24 Hour Service
    If you've ever remembered too late or too early to call the opposite coast, you know the hassle. We're not all on the same schedule. Business is worldwide but your office hours aren't. Trying to reach Asia or Europe is even more frustrating. But Web pages serve the client, customer and partner 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No overtime either. It can customize information to match needs and collect important information that will put you ahead of the competition, even before they get into the office.

  15. Make Changing Information Available Quickly
    Sometimes, information changes before it gets off the press. Now you have a pile of expensive, worthless paper. Electronic publishing changes with your needs. No paper, no ink, no printer's bill. You can even attach your web page to a database which customizes the page's output. You can change this info as many times in a day as you require. No printed piece of paper can match that flexibility.

  16. Allow Feedback From Customers
    You pass out the brochure, the catalog, the booklet. But it doesn't work. No sales, no calls, no leads. What went wrong? Wrong style, wrong price, wrong market? Do you keep testing with no results? You may not have the time nor the money to wait for the answer. With a Web Page, you can ask for feedback and get it instantaneously at no extra cost. An instant e-mail response can be built into Web Pages and can get the answer while its fresh in your customer's mind, without the cost and lack of response of business reply mail.

  17. Test Market New Services & Products
    This is tied into the reason above. Traditional advertising, marketing and PR are all very expensive forms of reaching the potential customer. Once you have been on the WWW and know what to expect from those who are seeing your page, they become the least expensive market for you to reach. They will also let you know what they think of your product faster, easier and much less expensively than any other market you may reach.

  18. 100% Environmentally Friendly
    You can help your company's image by becoming more environmentally aware. By launching a website about your company you will be saving on printed material. Not only does this save 'trees' but it also saves your company time and money. You can't run out of copies on the net. No more rushing down to the printer's to get a new batch of catalogues, brochures and sales literature. All your info can be updated in a matter of hours or even minutes on the 'net'. You will be the better corporate citizen for it.

  19. Reach The Education & Youth Market
    If your market is education, consider that most universities and high schools already offer Internet access to their students. Even some primary schools are on the Internet. Books, athletic shoes, study courses, fashion and other products aimed at the youth are all overlapping markets. There is nothing but growth on the horizon for the 'under 25' market that will be on-line. Click for more Stats.

  20. To Reach The Specialized Market
    Do you sell Bicycles, Legal Services, Industrial Cranes? You may think that the Internet is not a good place to be for your specific business. Well, the Internet isn't just computer science students anymore. With the growing number of users on the WWW, even the most narrowly defined interest groups are represented in large numbers. Since the Web has several very good search programs, your interest group will be able to find you with a little searching.

  21. To Serve Your Local Market
    We've talked about the power to serve the world with a Web Page. How about your neighborhood? If you are located in the Toronto to Buffalo corridor, you should be aware that there is over 5 million people in this area. Is that local enough? There is a local restaurant taking lunch orders over the net! But no matter where you are, if the big client has Web access, you should be there too.

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